Sunday, November 22, 2009

a holiday in another country

two summers ago we packed our suitcases for a vacation without any real direction in mind, aside from our destination. So we took the only road we could up the coast to Bruce Peninsula to Tobermory, Canada. Let me back up by saying that we had many other ideas in mind for this holiday.... jamaica, Puerto Rico or anywhere warm with a beach. So Canada was not really what we had in mind, but we decided to go camping, stopping off the entire way in these tiny, remote towns. Towns which had only one corner shop, several abandon barns, pick-your-own berry fields, drive-ins and maybe one fifties-looking gas station per city. We met some of the sweetest people, and saw some of the most beautiful landscapes. We ran through the forest, swam in freezing cold water, slept in our car outside a hotel, and then drove back towards Toronto. Honestly, Toronto was the least interesting part of our adventure, which I should add was soundtracked by an Abba best-of tape we found in a little thrift shop along the way. We really didn't want to get to the city, and almost felt a culture shock when we got there, disgusted by the condos surrounded by telephone poles and billboards. Going through these photos, I am ready to start planning our next journey through the fields....


  1. sounds like an amazing little trip.
    I would love to do the same up the coast of MI.
    stopping at every beautiful beach.
    the photos are gorgeous

  2. makes me want to hit the road. love the pic of you sitting on the rock by the water. we have so many great spots close to home..


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