Tuesday, May 26, 2009

fashion from Spain

This was a busy weekend, so I may be back several times with a montage of photos. These are of my friend, Laura who had her wedding shower in style. She dressed in all her beautiful new finds from Spain. (Laura, you will have to tell me exactly where that is that Dianne lives, because all I know is from your pronunciation. Guadelesenuaiu. ha! I honestly don't even remember). Here's a lil peek into the amazingly fashionable life of Laura. She also has a great style blog here. enjoy!

wait, here's a better look: 


  1. Dianne lives in Santiago de Compostela which is the capital of Galicia, Spain.

    The whole outfit is care of Zara!

  2. What nice pictures! Can't wait to celebrate the next parties with you both!

  3. i can't go to your wedding, dianne! I have to photograph another wedding, unfortunately. maybe I can show up late while everyone's on the dance floor.

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